Timothy Corrigan holds degrees from the University of Notre Dame (B.A.), University of Leeds (M.A.), Emory University (Ph.D.), and University of Paris-III. Before joining Penn as Professor of English and Director of Film Studies in 2003, he was professor of English at Temple University.
Research Interests
His work in film studies has focused on modern American and international cinema, as well as pedagogy and film.
Selected Publications
His books include New German Film: The Displaced Image (rev. 1994), The Films of Werner Herzog: Between Mirage and History (1986), Writing about Film (1989; rev. 1993), A Cinema without Walls: Movies and Culture after Vietnam (1991), and Film and Literature: An Introduction and Reader (1999). His most recent book is The Film Experience (2004, co-authored with Patricia White), and he is presently concluding research on a book-length study titled The Essay Film.