
Alisa Chiles, "Dueling Designs: The French-German Rivalry and Modernism in the Decorative Arts, 1890-1939" (Advisors, L. Weissberg and D. Brownlee)

Sunghoon (Hoon) Lee, "Escala: Art, Scale, and Geographic Distance in the Colonial Philippines." (Advisor, D. Kim)

Tamir Williams, “Scenes of Stamina: Endurance and Post-Plantation Geographies in Black Contemporary Video Art and Performance Art, 2003 - 2022” (Advisor, G. Shaw)



Stephanie Gibson, "Constructing Reconciliation and Healing: Monuments of Trauma, Loss, and Resistance in the Black Atlantic" (Advisor, D. Brownlee)

Hobbs, K. Katelyn, "Jan Jansz Mostaert: Tradition and Invention in Sixteenth-Century Haarlem" (Advisors, S. Brisman and L. Silver)

Mize, Ramey, "Battle Grounds: Painting, War, and Witness in the Americas, 1861-1902" (Advisor, M. Leja)

Rogers, Nicholas, "Richard Wagner's Visual Worlds: The Gesamtkunstwerk and the Spectacle of Empire" (Advisor, A. Dombrowski)



Adachi, Naoko, "Constructing Authenticity: Images of Japan in Photograph Albums, 1860-1910" (Advisor, J. Davis)

Grimmett, Kendra, "Grappling with Hercules: Masculinity and the Male Body in Rubens’s Time" (Advisors, S. Brisman and L. Silver)

Katzin, Jeffrey James, "Light and Black Magic: Alvin Langdon Coburn and the Potential of Abstract Photography" (Advisor, M. Leja)

Qiu, Serena, "Imperial Objects and Transpacific Subjects: Japan, China, and the United States at World's Fairs 1867-1915" (Advisor, M. Leja)

Rapoport, Abigail, "Covenantal Connections: Visualizing Mosaic Law in the Middle Ages" (Advisor, S. Guérin )

Stanton, Miriam Ashkin, "Gravitational Imagination: Picturing Suspension from Eadweard Muybridge to the Space Age" (Advisor, A. Dombrowski)

Stinebring, Anna-Claire, "Jan Sanders van Hemessen and Antwerp Painting before Bruegel" (Advisors, S. Brisman and L. Silver)



Amrhein, Anastasia, "Divine Matter-Energy in Mesopotamia: Visualizing the Numinous in Political Context ca. Ninth-Sixth Centuries BCE" (Advisor, H. Pittman)

Custer, Lee Ann, “Urban ‘Voids’: Picturing Light, Air, and Open Space in New York, 1890–1935” (Advisor, M. Leja)

Rothschild, Jill Vaum,“Facing Freedom: African American Emancipation in Antebellum Portraiture” (Advisor, G. Shaw)

Whitham Sanchez, Hilary, "Entitled Imaginings: Tristan Tzara, Dada, and the Idea of Africa" (Advisor, M. Leja)



Barton, Juliana, "The Model Kitchen:  Domesticating Modernism in the American Home, 1942-1966" (Advisor, D. Brownlee)

Grant, Lindsay, "Labor's Avant-Garde:  Painting the Urban Working Class in France from the First International to the Anarcho-Syndicalist Decades" (Advisor, A. Dombrowski)

Wise, Rachel, "Art in Revolt:  Material and Meaning in the 80 Years' War" (Advisor, S. Brisman)



Boomer, Megan, “Landscapes of Salvation: Architecture and Memory in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem” (Advisor, R. Ousterhout)

Filipowski, Roksana, "Plasticity Against Plastic: Synthetics in the Practice, Theory, and Conservation of Art Since the 1960s" (Advisor: K. Silverman)

Hausberg, Miranda, "Robert Adam's Revolution in Architecture" (Advisor: D. Brownlee)

Kim, Patricia, "Engendering Power:  Dynastic Women and Visual Culture in the Hellenistic World (4th - 1st C BCE)" (Advisors: A. Kuttner and B. Rose)

Langendorfer, Breton, "Assyrian Entropy: City Sieges and Cosmic Dissolution in the Palace Relief Programs" (Advisor, H. Pittman)



Cortez, Cesar Ignacio, "Night on Earth: The Nocturnal Sensorium in World Cinema" (Advisor: K. Redrobe)

Dreskin, Jeanne, "Left of Center: Displacements and Intersectionalities in Photographic Practices of New York and Los Angeles, 1970-1988" (Advisor: K. Redrobe)

Firunts, Mashinka, Learning to Refuse: Pedagogy, Protest, and Lecture-Performance, 1964-1975" (Advisor: K. Silverman)

Hagan, Stephanie, "Marble and Munificence: Reassessing the Basilica of Junius Bassus at Rome" (Advisors: A. Kuttner and B. Rose)

Heathman, Quintana, "Beyond Landscape: Imagining Place in Later Edo Print Culture" (Advisor: J. Davis)

Rich, Brooks, "The Mystery of the Monogram AC at the Margins of Early Printmaking" (Advisor: L. Silver)

Sperling, Juliet, "Animating Flatness: Moving Images in American Art, 1780-1895" (Advisor: M. Leja)

Tillery, Laura, "The Hanse as Artistic Network in Late Medieval Lübeck" (Advisor: L. Silver)

Van Loan, Theodore, "Umayyad Visions: Charting Early Islamic Atttitudes Toward Visual Perception" (Advisor: R. Holod)



Hughes, Heather, "Clothing as Culture: Delineating National Character in Costume Prints, c. 1600-1650" (Advisor: L. Silver)

Isgro, Marina, "The Animate Object of Kinetic Art,1955-1968" (Advisor: C. Poggi)

Kauffman, Alexander, "'Faire un Cinéma': Marcel Duchamp and the Moving Image" (Advisor: C. Poggi)

Lastra, Elizabeth, "Biography of a City: Art, Urbanization, and Shifting Structures of Power in Carrión de los Condes, 1050-1200" (Advisor: L. Silver)

Schmenner, Williams, "How to Hit the Ground: Motion and Measurement in Moving Pictures before the Great Crash" (Advisor: K. Redrobe)

Warner, Emily, "Abstraction Unframed: Abstract Murals in New York, 1935-1960" (Advisor: M. Leja)



Grollemond, Larisa A., "Necessary Luxury: Illuminated Manuscripts at the French Courts, c. 1460-1515" (Advisor: L. Silver)

Ickes, Charlotte, "Radical Immersion in the Work of Melvin Van Peebles, Isaac Julien, and Steve McQueen" (Advisor: G. Shaw)

Kenmotsu, Jeannie, "The Color Revolution: Printed Books in Eighteenth Century Japan" (Advisor: J. Davis)

Neumeier, Emily, "The Architectural Transformation of the Ottoman Provinces Under Tepedelenli Ali Pasha, 1788-1822" (Advisor: R. Holod)

Nickel, Kirk, "Alessandro Moretto and the Decomposition of the Painter's Art in Renaissance Brescia" (Advisor: L. Silver)

Sanecki, Jamie, "Cathedral and Commune in Medieval Lucca: The Facade of San Martino" (Advisors: R. Maxwell and R. Ousterhout)



Pinar, Ekin, "Canyon Collective Artists: Micropolitics in West Coast Experimental Film, 1960-79" (Advisors: C. Poggi and K. Redrobe)

Shamos, Geoffrey,"Bodies of Knowledge: The Presentation of Personified Figures in Engraved Allegorical Series Produced in the Netherlands, 1548-1600" (Advisor: L. Silver)



Baradel, Lacey, “Mobile Americans: Geographic Mobility and Modernity in U.S. Visual Culture, 1860-1915” (Advisor: M. Leja)

Erickson, Ruth, “Assembling Social Forms:  Sociological Art Practice in Post - 1968 France”.  (Advisor: C. Poggi)

Prottas, Nathaniel, “Survival and Revival: Netherlandish and German Painting, c. 1460-1530.” (Advisor: L. Silver)

Trench, Carolyn J., "Performativity's Moment: Vogue, Queer Video Production, and Theoretical Discourse" (Advisor: G. Shaw)


- 2013 -

Bourla, Lisa (MA, Tel Aviv), Southern Renaissance,  “The Reform of Drawing and the Natural Act of Painting:  Lodovico Cigoli and His Florentine Circle C. 1600” (Advisor: L. Silver)

Kowell, Masha (BA, Georgetown), Modern, "Agit-plakat: The Destalinization of Soviet Posters (1956-1966)" (Advisors: C. Poggi and K. Redrobe)


- 2012 -

Chanchani, Nachiket (MA, Minnesota), South Asian, "Fordings and Frontiers:  Architecture and Identity in the Central Himalayas (c. 7th - 12th Centries CE) (Advisor: M. Meister)

Kelley, Erin (BA, Brown), East Asian, "Confronting Modernity: Shirakaba and the Japanese Avant-garde" (Advisor: J. Davis)

Martino, Shannon (BA, Univ. of Chicago), "The Intersection of Culture and Agency as Seen Through the Shared Figurine Genre of the Prehistoric Southwest Black Sea" (Advisor:  H. Pittman)

Perratore, Julia (BA, New York Univ), Medieval, "Laity, Community and Architectural Sculpture in Romanesque Aragon:  Santa Mariá de Uncastillo" (Advisor: R. Maxwell)

Tokumitsu, Miya (BA, Princeton), Northern Renaissance, "Die Kleine, die Feine, die Reine, die Eine."  The Small, the Fine, the Pure, the Rare:  the Sculpture of Leonhard Kern (1588-1662) (Advisor:  L. Silver)

Weiss, Alexandra Davis (BA, Williams), American, "The Artist-as-Celebrity:  Picturing Artistic Fame in Vanity Fair, Vogue, and Harper's Bazaar Magazines, 1921-1951 (Advisor:  M. Leja)


- 2011 -

Clericuzio, Peter, "Nancy as a Center of Art Nouveau Architecture, 1895-1914" (Advisor: D. Brownlee)

Foutch, Ellery, "Arresting Beauty:  The Perfectionist Impulse of Peale's Butterflies, Heade's Hummingbirds, Blaschka's Flowers, and Sandow's Body" (Advisor:  M. Leja)

Greist, Alexandra, "Learning to Draw, Drawing to Learn:  Theory and Practice in Italian Printed Drawing Books, 1600-1700" (Advisor: M. Cole)

Lee, Jeehyun, "Resisting Boundaries:  Japonisme and Western-Style Art in Meiji Japan" (Advisor: J. Davis)

Mehta, Mandavi, "The Mouse Who Would Be King:  Innovating Tradition in the State of Chamba" (Advisor:  M. Meister)

Michelsen, Leslee, "To Lift the Veil from the Face of Depiction":  Visual Culture and Figural Iconography in Early Islamic Central Asia" (Advisor:  R. Holod)

Rice, Yael, "The Emperor's Eye and the Painter's Brush:  The Rise of the Mughal Court Artist, c 1546-1627" (Advisor:  R. Holod)


- 2010 -

Chang, Alison: “Negotiating Modernity: Edvard Munch's Late Figural Work, 1900-1925” (Advisor: C. Poggi)

Mekinda, Jonathan: “Reconstruction and Revolution: The Re-Invention of Modernism in Italy, 1945-1955" (Advisor: D. Brownlee)

Rice, John Henry: “Kanara Temples: Architectural Transaction on the Periphery of Empire" (Advisor: M. Meister)

Sohoni, Puskar: "Local Idioms and Global Designs: Architecture of the Nizam Shahs" (Advisor: M. Meister)

Tentler, Gregory: “Without Expensive Transport and the Bother of Customs: Piero Manzoni and the International Avant-Garde 1956-1963” (Advisors: C. Poggi, K. Redrobe)

 - 2009 -

Boehman, Jessica: “Maestro Ercole Ferrata” (Advisor: M. Cole)

Citron, Beth "Contemporary Art in Bombay, 1965-1995" (Advisor: M. Meister)

Walker, Julia “Capital Building: Anxiety and Authorship in Berlin’s New Federal Architecture” (Advisor: D. Brownlee)


- 2008 -

Clendenin, Malcolm: “Natural Sympathies and Governing Harmony: Hector Guimard, Political Movements, and Social Change” (Advisor: D. Brownlee)

Kahlaoui, Tarek: “The Islamic Visual Reconstructions of the Mediterranean from al-Idrisi to al-Sharfi” (Advisor: R. Holod)

Kerin, Melissa: “Re/Presenting Devotion: Analysis of Nako’s Buddhist Wall Paintings” (Advisor: M. Meister)

Levitch, Mark: “Competing Truths: Photography, Art, and Propaganda in Great War France” (Advisor: C. Poggi)

Milkova, Liliana: “The Photographic Other: Soviet Underground Art from the 1970s-1980s” (Advisor: C. Poggi)

O’Rourke, Kathryn "Building a Modern Nation: Mexico's State-Sponsored Modern Architecture, 1925-1934" (Advisor: D. Brownlee)


- 2007 -

Casper, Andrew: “El Greco and Italy: Art, Theory, and the Religious Image of the Late Cinquecento" (Advisor: M. Cole) 

Criss, Jennifer: “Gender and Japonisme: Art of the Women Impressionists, 1865-1895” (Advisor: L. Silver)

McFadden, Susanna "Courtly Places and Sacred Spaces: The Social and Political Significance of Monumental Wall Painting in Late Antiquity" (Advisor: A Kuttner)

Mulder, Stephennie: "The Architecture of Coexistence Sunnis, Shi'is and the Shrines of The 'Alids in the Medieval Levant" (Advisor: R Holod)

Ruiz-Gomez, Natasha: “Morceaux d’Amphitheatre: Science and the Fragment in Rodin’s Sculpture” (Advisor: C. Poggi)

Sawicki, Nicholas: "Becoming Modern: The Prague Eight and Modern Art, 1900-1910" (Advisor: C Poggi)


- 2006 -

Mercurio, Janice: “French Rococo Painting and Music” (Advisor: L. Silver)

Fedders, Kristin: “Pop Art in Public Space, 1954-1965” (Advisor: C. Poggi)

Hargrove, James: “Serious Pleasures: Sensuality and Programmatic Display in the Sculptural Origins of French Modernism 1870-1914” (Advisor: S. Sidlauskas)

Malone, Meredith: “Nouveau Réalisme: Performative Exhibition Strategies and the Everyday in Post-World War II France” (Advisor: C. Poggi)

Nugent, Jeanne: “Photographic Memory: German History and the Question of National Identity in Gerhard Richter’s Photography-based Paintings, 1962-1989” (Advisor: C. Poggi)

Sinnett, Gretchen: “Envisioning Female Adolescence: Rites of Passage in Late Nineteenth-Century Painting and Photography” (Advisor: E. Johns)

Spira, Freyda: "Originality as Repetition / Repetition as Originality: Daniel Hopfer and the Reinvention of the Medium of Etching" (Advisor: L. Silver) 

West, Ashley: “Visualizing Knowledge: Prints and Paintings by Hans Burgkmair the Elder (1473-1531) (Advisor: L. Silver) 


-2005 -

Bellow, Juliet: "Clothing the Corps: How the Avant-Garde and the Ballets Russes Fashioned the Modern Body" (Advisors: C. Poggi and S. Sidlauskas)

Gruber, Christine: “The Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension (Mi'raj) in Islamic Art and Literature, 14th to 17th Centuries” (Advisor: R. Holod)

Hage, Emily: "New York and European Dada Art Journals, 1916-1926: International Venues of Exchange," (Advisor: C. Poggi)

Harmansah, Omur:  “Spatial Narratives, commemorative Practices and the Building Project:  New Urban Foundations in Upper Syro-Mesopotamia During the Early Iron Age” (Advisor: H. Pittman)

Iannacone, Rachel: “Open Space for the Underclass:  New York City’s Small Parks, 1880-1915” (Advisor: D. Brownlee)

Scott, Sarah Jane: “Figure, Symbol, and Sign: Semiotics and Function of Early Dynastic I Cylinder Seal Imagery From Ur” (Advisor: H. Pittman)

Wu, Xin: “Central Asia in the Achaemenid Context” (Advisor: H. Pittman)


- 2004 -

Feliciano, Maria: “Mudejarismo in Its Colonial Context:  Iberian Cultural Display, Viceregal Luxury consumption, and the Negotiation of Identities in Sixteenth-Century New Spain” (Advisor: R. Holod)

Gold, Susanna: "Imaging Memory: Re-Presentations of the Civil War at the 1876 Centennial Exhibition" (Advisor: E. Johns)

Grossman, Heather: “Building Identity:  Architecture as Evidence of Cultural Interaction between Latins and Byzantines in Medieval Greece” (Advisor: C. Striker)

Hallam, Jennifer: "Re-Presenting Women in Early Stuart England:  Gender Ideology, Personal Politics, & the Portrait Arts" (Advisor: L. Silver)

Sears, Tamara: "Housing Asceticism: Tracing the Development of Mattamayura Saiva Monastic Architecture in Early Medieval Central India"  (Advisor: M. Meister)

Taube, Isabel: “Rooms of Memory:  The Artful Interior in American Painting, 1880 to 1920”  (Advisor: E. Johns)


- 2003 -

Kennedy, Elizabeth: “Interpreting the Artist’s Studio Memorial:  An Exhibition Strategy of Museums of Western Art” (Advisor: E. Johns)

LaPorte, Carrie: “Displaying Empire? The Architecture and Development of Museums in Nineteenth-Century India” (Advisor: M. Meister)

Morton, Thomas: “The Impact of Luxury:  The Forum of Meninx – an Architectural Investigation” (Advisor: R. Holod)

Pastore, Christopher: “Expanding antiquity:  Andrea Navagero and Villa Culture in the cinquecento Veneto” (Advisor: R. Holod)

Rakic, Yelena: “The Contest Scene in Akkadian Glyptic:  A Study of Its Imagery and Functions with the Akkadian Empire” (Advisor: H. Pittman)

Seydl, Jon: “The Sacred Heart of Jesus:  Art and Religion in Eighteenth-Century Italy” (Advisor: M. Campbell)


- 2002 -

Gindhart, Maria: “The Art and Science of Late Nineteenth-Century Images of Human Prehistory at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris”  (Advisor: S. Sidlauskas)

Weed, Stanley: “The Virgo inter Virgines:  Art and the Devotion to Virgin Saints in the Low Countries and Germany, 1400-1530” (December, 2002)  (Advisor: L. Silver)

Witkovsky, Matthew: "Avant-Garde and Center: Devìtsil in Czech Culture, 1918-1938” (Advisor: C. Poggi)


- 2001 -

Basu, Chandreyi: “Redefining the Nature of Cultural Regions in Early India:  Mathura and the Meaning of “Kusana” Art (1st – 3rd Centuries AD) (Advisor: M. Meister)

Kavky, Samantha: “Authoring the Unconscious:  Freudian Structures in the Art of Max Ernst” (Advisor: C. Poggi)

Robinson, Betsey: “Fountains and the Culture of Water at Roman Corinth” (Advisor: L. Haselberger)

Sloan, Anna: “The Atala Mosque:  Between Polity and Culture in Medieval Jaunpur” (Advisor: M. Meister)