Saturday, October 17, 2015 - 10:00am
Rose Recital Hall (Fisher-Bennett Hall 419), University of Pennsylvania (34th and Walnut Streets)
New perspectives are presented on the sources and influence of Prometheus Bound by Peter Paul Rubens. Offered in conjunction with The Wrath of the Gods: Masterpieces by Rubens, Michelangelo, and Titian. The 2015 Anne d’Harnoncourt Symposium is organized by the History of Art Department of the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Generous support is provided by C. K. Williams, II, Gr ’78, HON ’97.
Keynote Lecture
Friday, October 16, 2015, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Van Pelt Auditorium
Eric Jan Sluijter, from the University of Amsterdam and the Amsterdam Centre for the Study of the Golden Age, explores the artists’ terrifying paintings.
Scholars Present
Saturday, October 17, 2015, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Location: Rose Recital Hall (Fisher-Bennett Hall 419), University of Pennsylvania (34th and Walnut Streets)
Leading scholars consider the importance of the myth of Prometheus in the early modern period, Rubens’s inspirations, and the impact of the painting on European artists in the seventeenth century.
“Afterthoughts on the Prado Exhibition, Las Furias”
Miguel Falomir Faus, Museo del Prado
“The Paradox of Promethean Creativity”
Fredrika Jacobs, Virginia Commonwealth University
“Goltzius, Rubens, and Artistic Rivalry: Seventeenth-Century Views on Citing and Emulating Another Artist’s Work”
Anna Tummers, Frans Hals Museum
“Rubens and the Third Dimension: Exploring his Sculptural Sources”
David Jaffe, Independent Curator
“Prometheus and the Eagle”
Aneta Georgievska-Shine, University of Maryland
“Put a Bird on it: A Case for Emulation and Collaboration in Jordaens’s Prometheus”
Michele Frederick, University of Delaware
The symposium is co-organized by Larry Silver, Farquhar Professor of History of Art, University of Pennsylvania and Christopher D. M. Atkins, The Agnes and Jack Mulroney Associate Curator of European Painting and Sculpture before 1900, Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Prometheus Bound
Peter Paul Rubens, Flemish (active Italy, Antwerp, and England), 1577-1640, and Frans Snyders, Flemish (active Antwerp), 1579-1657.