May 15, 2020
David B. Brownlee's students establish The SAH (Society of Architectural Historians) Dissertation Award in his honor.
In April 2018 three former students of David Brownlee approached the SAH president and the SAH executive director with the desire to establish a new award that would honor the distinguished career of David B. Brownlee, the Frances Shapiro-Weitzenhoffer Professor of Art History at the University of Pennsylvania. The Award recognizes his impact as a scholar, teacher, and mentor to the many doctoral students he advised and influenced during his career at Penn. Brownlee's former and current students pledged their financial support to establish the Award and provided initial funding. Donations to the SAH David B. Brownlee Dissertation Award may be made at sah.org/donate.
The SAH David B. Brownlee Dissertation Award will recognize the most outstanding doctoral dissertation in the field of architectural history, commendable for its thorough primary research, original analysis, and exceptional writing. In recognition of Professor Brownlee’s wide-ranging interests, there is no geographical or chronological limitation placed on the subject, but the dissertation must be originally written in English (no translations). Eligible dissertations will have been completed during the two years prior to the submission date. The SAH David B. Brownlee Dissertation Award is comprised of a framed certificate and citation, along with a stipend up to $1,000 designated for the recipient to travel to the SAH Annual International Conference to receive the Award. There will be one award recipient per year. Applications for the 2021 award cycle will open on June 1, 2020, and close on July 31, 2020.
Click HERE for more information.