October 7, 2021
C. Brian Rose, James B. Pritchard Professor of Mediterranean Archaeology, has been named a Montgomery Fellow at Dartmouth.
"Archaeology, Museums, and War: Strategies for the 21st Century"
C. Brian Rose is the James B. Pritchard Professor of Archaeology at the University of Pennsylvania and is also the curator-in-charge of the Mediterranean Section of the University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. He has been the Head of Post-Bronze Age Excavations in Troy (Turkey), where he has worked since 1988, and the co-director of the Gordion (Turkey) Excavation Project since 2006. He is preparing two final publications in the Troy Excavation Series: one on the architecture, architectural decoration, and small finds of the West Sanctuary; and the other on the architecture and small finds of the Hellenistic and Roman houses at Troy.
At Dartmouth he will speak to classes in the anthropology and classics departments, and students will meet and speak with him in classes and in house communities.