Monika Uchiyama, limits of feeling, 2017, two channel video and projection, red filter, sound
Friday, January 26, 2018 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
AUTOMAT Gallery, 319 N 11th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19107
Join us for "Flooding," Incubation Series IX, opening on Friday, January 26th exploring the malleable, porous, and transformative nature of memory and "rememory." As Toni Morrison describes in her poignant essay "The Site of Memory,” rememory, like the water of the Mississippi remembering its river beds, is the work of things “forever tr[ying] to get back to where [they were],” and is often born in “a rush of imagination”—a “flooding.” The four artists, Danièle Dennis, James Allister Sprang, Monika Uchiyama, and Eric Yue, consider such “flooding,” or rememory, in relation to the personal, collective, familial, and cultural.